In a couple of days a whole New Year begins. I’m starting at a bit of an advantage, I have a new job, my toxic romantic relationship of a little over a year has finally ended, I am on the mend from a gnarly head cold….so much to work with! I have decided to spring from the gate and get things done. There’s so much I have wanted for myself, so many hopes and dreams and goals and plans, but I have consistently sabotaged myself, broken down, given in, forgotten my intentions, listened to the negative people I too often surround myself with and this year is like a blinding light of hope and I have never been more excited for an adventure than I am of creating a new life for myself. This life I seek is all about accomplishment. I have goals and I have tools and I have the desire to succeed.

This little blog is my way of tracking my progress and hopefully finding a community of positive people to share my journey with and who will let me be a part of theirs. I will write at least a little everyday, it’s a doable thing….it’s a small goal that I know I can reach and I think every success, no matter how minor it might seem, will make the big goals much easier to tackle.